In the La Presse article “How to sell seal in 2024?”, people discuss the state of the seal industry in Quebec in 2024, focusing on its challenges and opportunities. Despite a growing seal population in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the industry struggles due to longstanding bans on seal product exports to key markets like the U.S. and the European Union.
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Entrepreneurs like Samuel Bilodeau, who produces seal-based clothing, advocate for export opportunities to grow the industry. Samuel emphasizes the need to use all parts of the seal—fur, meat, and oil—to make the business profitable.
Doug Chiasson, director of the Fur Institute of Canada, stresses that the industry is still haunted by the negative image from the 1970s protests, which focused on hunting baby seals. However, Doug notes a shift in consumer attitudes, particularly between Generation X and millennials, who are more aware of sustainability issues and less influenced by past imagery. He also points out the growing seal populations, discussing that seal hunting can contribute to balancing marine ecosystems.
Both Samuel and Doug underscore the importance of rebranding seal products to be sustainable and eco-friendly to revive the industry and open up new markets.