As we begin the new year of 2024, most of us have made the resolution to enhance our overall well-being in the new year, which motivates us to look into better sources of nutrition that will not only benefit our own lives but also the life of our beloved pets, if you have any. Seal oil stands out, among different alternatives, as viable natural omega-3 fatty acids that are sourced from the North Atlantic Ocean. This article will discuss why we need to include seal oil—both for humans and pets—into our daily routines to lead a more environmentally conscious and sustainable life.
Why Seal Oil?
Fish oil has long been a popular choice for consumers seeking the health benefits associated with omega-3 essential fatty acids. Seal oil is becoming increasingly popular as an alternate omega-3 nutritional supplement. Seal oil omega-3 offers different advantages over fish oil equivalents. One notable feature is that it has greater quantities of DPA than fish oil. Seal oil, like mother’s milk, is one of the few natural sources of DPA. DPA reduces platelet aggregation 10 times more efficiently than EPA, while also enhancing lipid metabolism, endothelial cell migration, and chronic inflammation resolution[1].
Seal oil is a complete source of Omega-3 (DPA + DHA + EPA), and its mammalian molecular structure optimizes absorption, making it a better alternative than fish oil for persons seeking sufficient omega-3 intake. Scientific research has demonstrated that the seal’s mammalian molecular triglyceride structure is more readily taken by the human body than the foreign fish molecular structure[2]. This means no “fishy burps” and improved digestion and absorption for better outcomes.
Benefits of Seal Oil for Human
- Joint and Inflammatory Support:
Joint issues may affect people from all age groups. However, Omega-3s are well-known for their anti-inflammatory effects, and seal oil is no exception. Incorporating seal oil into the diet can help regulate inflammation, making it beneficial for people suffering from arthritis or joint inflammatory illnesses.
- Cardiovascular Health:
Seal oil also has cardiovascular benefits. Regular consumption may help to decrease blood pressure, lower triglycerides, and improve overall heart function. So, including seal oil in a heart-healthy diet could be your first proactive step to improve cardiovascular health.
- Mental & Cognitive Health:
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to enhance brain and central nervous system function, enhance memory and other cognitive functions, regulate emotions, and reduce the negative effects of stress and anxiety. DHA levels are directly linked to brain health since it is the most important omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid in the brain and has critical roles in the neuronal membrane. As previously stated, research has shown that DPA, found in seal oil, efficiently improves DHA levels in the body.
- Fetal & Infant Development:
Pregnant or nursing mothers can use seal oil to help in the development of the fetus’s brain, eyes, and nerves. As an example, a 2003 randomized and double-blinded study revealed that routine omega-3 supplementation of pregnant and nursing women appeared to boost the child’s IQ at 4 years of age[3]. The discovery provides a compelling reason for pregnant women and nursing moms to consider seal oil as an essential element in fostering their developing children’s cognitive well-being.
Benefits of Seal Oil for Pets
Omega-3 fatty acids can help the overall health of pets, just as they do for humans.
- Healthy Skin and Coat:
Seal oil is a natural source of Omega-3 essential fatty acids, which helps to relieve dry skin, reduce shedding, and produce a bright, lustrous coat for dogs and cats.
- Joint Support for Aging Pets:
As pets get older, joint problems can naturally arise. Seal oil’s anti-inflammatory attributes help manage joint discomfort and stiffness in older pets. Incorporating seal oil in pets’ food can help to enhance their mobility and joint health, giving them a healthier life.
Premium Seal Oil Products for Human and Pet
When looking for a reliable brand of seal oil products, company values, and their practice are essential. Here, we want to recommend several amazing brands that not only prioritize your well-being but also adhere to ethical and environmental practices.
- Carino Harp Seal Oil Capsules
Carino is the leader of the seal industry and is the biggest seal oil supplier in Canada. Carino means “we care” and they apply their care to every aspect of our business. All of their products are made in a rural village in South Dildo, Newfoundland and Labrador, where they employ locals and use materials are bought directly from professional local harvesters, showing their commitment to quality, community, and cultural preservation.
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- Waspu Oil Omega-3
Waspu is the Qalipu First Nation’s Indigenous seal oil brand. WASPU is the Mi’kmaq term for seal. Qalipu aims to promote for humane seal harvesting, processing, marketing, and consumption on a local, national, and worldwide level. WASPU seal oil is high in Omega-3 EPA, DHA, and DPA, which helps to maintain optimal wellness.
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- DPA Gold Omega-3 Seal Oil
DPA Gold is an Ontario-based brand that has produced over 6 billion softgels for sale worldwide. Its innovative 21-step refining and filtering process ensures the greatest quality of products. In addition to soft gels, they also provide seal oil liquid to meet the different needs of their customers.
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- Carino Pets Omega-3 Harp Seal Oil
Carino also extended their care to our furry friends. Carino Pets Omega-3 Harp Seal Oil is a high-quality, human-grade oil derived from the North Atlantic oceans. Carino Pets Omega-3 can significantly decrease inflammation and allergy symptoms while also improving skin and coat health in dogs and cats.
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- Waspu Oil for Pets
Waspu Oil for Pets is made from sustainably and humanely harvested seals from icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean on Canada’s east coast. Waspu Oil for Pets has been evaluated for purity and free of environmental pollutants, and it is a Certified Veterinary Health Product from Health Canada.
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Is Seal Oil Ethical? Yes, and Here’s Why:
Canada’s world-leading animal welfare standards, codes of practice, training and licensing programs ensure humane harvesting and the highest quality products. Choosing seal products is not only good for you and your pets but also for the environment. The global Omega-3 market is highly concentrated with fish oil. The harvesting of tiny fish creates a ripple effect on the marine ecosystem dynamics, leading to less healthy oceans. That’s why Omega-3 seal oil is the better alternative. It’s sustainably sourced from an abundant population of over 7.6 million seals and no chemical processing is required to increase the level of Omega-3. In other words, seal oil is very important because it helps bring balance to the ecosystem.
Seal oil emerges as a natural health booster for both humans and pets. Incorporating Seal Oil into our everyday routines promises to improve both our own health and the environment. In 2024, embrace the seal oil revolution and make the conscious decision to live a better, happier life for you and your pets.
[1] Byelashov OA, Sinclair AJ, Kaur G. Dietary sources, current intakes, and nutritional role of omega-3 docosapentaenoic acid. Lipid Technol. 2015 Apr;27(4):79-82. doi: 10.1002/lite.201500013. PMID: 26097290; PMCID: PMC4467567.
[2] Yoshida H, Kumamaru J, Mawatari M, Ikeda I, Imaizumi K, Tsuji H, Seto A. Lymphatic absorption of seal and fish oils and their effect on lipid metabolism and eicosanoid production in rats. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 1996 Aug;60(8):1293-8. doi: 10.1271/bbb.60.1293. PMID: 8987546.
[3] Helland IB, Smith L, Saarem K, Saugstad OD, Drevon CA. Maternal supplementation with very-long-chain n-3 fatty acids during pregnancy and lactation augments children’s IQ at 4 years of age. Pediatrics. 2003 Jan;111(1):e39-44. doi: 10.1542/peds.111.1.e39. PMID: 12509593.