The report by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans has made 48 recommendations on fisheries and ocean management in Canada.
The recommendations include the need for more Indigenous and harvesters’ knowledge in the science assessment process and an examination of how DFO (Department of Fisheries and Oceans) managers influence the work and findings of DFO scientists.
The committee also recommended that scientists conduct diet analysis for all species of seals and their genetic cousins over longer periods of the year in more diverse regions than in the past and make their data publicly available by posting it on the DFO website.
The committee also suggested that scientists compare data from countries with similar species of pinnipeds to more accurately gauge mortality levels in fish stock biomass. The report highlights the need for DFO to collect better data for stock assessments and to foster relationships with the fishing industry to supplement DFO scientific data collection. The committee has requested a comprehensive response to their report from the government.
It’s all mentioned in a report made public on March 9 by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans.
Read the original article:
Seals and salmon among issues highlighted in Commons report on DFO science