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Repost: COMMENTARY: A strong seal products industry is good for Canada

24 May 2023
Seal harvest

Coastal communities, Indigenous peoples, and the entire country greatly benefit culturally, economically, and ecologically from a sustainable seal harvest, a flourishing seal products industry, and effective management of seal populations.


Seals harvested for commercial purposes are utilized to create sustainable and high-quality products, such as fur and leather clothing, accessories, home furnishings, health supplements from fats and oils, and meat for human and animal consumption.


The growing seal population in the Atlantic has prompted concerns about its impact on fisheries, fish stocks, and the ocean ecosystem. To address these issues, the Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans launched a study in 2022. The study examines how seal populations have been managed by the government, the most effective ways to manage them in the future, and the determination of research priorities and funding related to seals. The committee is also investigating data gaps, tracking technologies, the effects of climate change on seals, and investments in the seal products industry.


As we continue our study, we hope to learn more about how the government and stakeholders can successfully manage our seal populations and help the people who rely on the oceans for a living in the next decades.

Original article:

COMMENTARY: A strong seal products industry is good for Canada
