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Repost:Divided views on effectiveness of Seal Summit

14 November 2022
Seal harvest


The seal summit finished last week. While some groups were pleased with the event, others believed it was only for show, with no solid plans resulting from it.


The seal summit was the first of its kind, bringing together industry stakeholders to discuss the market.


Ryan Cleary from Sea-NL mentioned the fact that the federal government members of parliament are speaking about seals the problem of seals off the east coast of Canada which is fantastic. But the event is just for show. He said that there is no action plan. There is no game plan to deal with the gaps in science. There is no game plan to deal with the marketing of seals.


The Fish and Food allied workers (FFAW-Unifor) were pleased with the event. Secretary-Treasurer Jason Springle says the union has been calling for an improved understanding of seal stocks in the region for several years. They are pleased with the government’s commitment to better understanding stocks and the impacts of overpopulation. Springle said the union remains hopeful. But moving forward, we’ll continue to call on the government to stand up for sustainable seal hunts and to promote products internationally.


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Divided views on effectiveness of Seal Summit
