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Our Team

Find out about the people behind the Canadian Seal Industry.

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Catherine Moores

Member of the Sealing Committee

Market Development Manager at Carino Processing Ltd.


Catherine Moores grew up on the Great Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland where she was fortunate to have the opportunity to work closely with sealers, tanners, and sealskin craftspeople. Through that experience, Catherine formed a strong affection for this unique sector.


After graduating from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College (Dalhousie University) with a BSc in Animal Science and a minor in Business, Catherine accepted a position focused on the marketing and promotion of seal products. Catherine left that role to start a large mink farm, which she managed for 17 years. During that time, she was an active board member of the Canada Mink Breeders Association (including time as president) and was involved in updating the industry animal welfare standards (Code of Practice) and developing an assessment program. While Catherine supports responsible animal use, she is also an advocate for good animal welfare.


In early 2020, Catherine began work with Carino Processing Ltd., based out of Dildo, Newfoundland. Her main role is seeking market opportunities for seal products, particularly seal oil.



Catherine Moores, Market Development Manager at Carino Processing Ltd.
