海豹吃很多鱼——每年大约 3000 万吨。这比我们整个大西洋捕鱼船队的捕捞量多 53 倍.Several studies have indicated the amount of fish eaten by harp seals. A study of harp seals by Polar Research estimated 7.4 kg/day for adult males and 9 kg/day for adult females, with females consuming more to support pregnancy and lactation: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.3402/polar.v10i2.6771. Assuming the population is half male and half female, that means an average seal eats 2.99 tons/year. In 2019, the grand total of the Atlantic Coast commercial landings were 560,484 metric tonnes. https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/stats/commercial/land-debarq/sea-maritimes/s2019aq-eng.htm Canada’s total seal population is estimated at more than 10 million. Ringed seal populations is estimated at 2.3 million: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/species-risk-public-registry/cosewic-assessments-status-reports/ringed-seal-2019.html Together with Harp Seal (7.6 million) and grey seals (505,000), this represents over 10M population for these 3 species. This means that the total Canadian seal population eats roughly 30 million tons of fish each year. That’s 53x more fish than the entire Canadian Atlantic fishing fleet catches! Facts: Ringed seal populations is estimated at 2.3 million: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/species-risk-public-registry/cosewic-assessments-status-reports/ringed-seal-2019.html Together with Harp Seal (7.6 million) and grey seals (505,000), this represents over 10M population for these 3 species. Calculation: (7.4+9)/2 = average of 8.2KG per seal. 8.2*365 days per year = 2,993KG. 2,993KG x 10 million seals = 29,930,000,000. 29,930,000,000 (total KG of fish eaten by seals)/ 560,000,000 (harvested by the Atlantic fishing fleet) = 53 times.与此同时,海豹数量处于有记录以来的最高水平。控制海豹种群是我们可以帮助鱼类种群反弹的方法之一。反过来,也会支持我们的渔业和海洋经济,它们每年创造 350,000 个工作岗位并带来超过 $310亿的收入.Government of Canada. Blue Economy Strategy. 2021 https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/campaign-campagne/bes-seb/index-eng.html
灰海豹:77,300只Stock assessment of Northwest Atlantic grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in Canada in 2021. https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/Publications/SAR-AS/2022/2022_018-eng.html
在加拿大水域发现的最著名的海豹物种之一是竖琴海豹,自 1994 年以来,其数量增长了近 60%,达到 760 万。2020 年,加拿大政府对竖琴的总允许捕捞量限制仅为其 5%的总数量。而近年来,总捕捞量仅达到配额的 10%——仅占年度配额的一小部分。
参议院渔业和海洋常设委员会估计,成年海豹平均每年吃掉1.5-2吨鱼 。 The Sustainable Management of Grey Seal Populations: A Path Toward the Recovery if Cod and Other Groundfish Stocks, Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, Oct. 2012 http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/SEN/Committee/411/pofo/rep/rep07oct12-e.pdf
加拿大海豹种群吃的鱼比整个大西洋加拿大捕捞船队的年海鲜产量多 53 倍以上.Several studies have indicated the amount of fish eaten by harp seals. A study of harp seals by Polar Research estimated 7.4 kg/day for adult males and 9 kg/day for adult females, with females consuming more to support pregnancy and lactation. Assuming the population is half male and half female, that means an average seal eats 2.99 tons/year. LINKFacts: Ringed seal populations is estimated at 2.3 million. Ringed Seal (Pusa hispida): COSEWIC assessment and status report 2019. LINK Together with Harp Seal (7.6 million) LINK and grey seals (424,300) LINK, this represents over 10M population for these 3 species. Calculation: (7.4+9)/2 = average of 8.2KG per seal. 8.2*365 days per year = 2,993KG. 2,993KG x 10 million seals = 29,930,000,000. 29,930,000,000 (total KG of fish eaten by seals)/ 560,000,000 (harvested by the Atlantic fishing fleet) = 53 times.
仅 2019 年的狩猎就为我们的渔业节省了 2.5 亿加元的鱼类资源,否则这些资源将被海豹消耗。.Approximately 32,000 harp seals were harvest in 2019. It is estimated that seals eat over 1.5 tons of fish per year. The value per tons of fish was at $5,200 in 2018. Source: 32,000 seals x 1.5 tons x $5,200 = $CAD 250 MILLION.
如果收获全部配额,该价值将为 31.2 亿加元.The annual quota is 400,0000 for harp seals. It is estimated that seals eat over 1.5 tons of fish per year. The value per tons of fish was at $5,200 in 2018. Source 400,000 seals x 1.5 tons x $5,200 = $CAD 3.12 BILLION.